Area (Stake) Emergency Leadership Roles

Go To Individual, Block and Neighborhood (Ward) Emergency Roles

Getting Ready For An Emergency

Understand and fulfill your role in Being Ready!   Click on and review the below Neighborhood (Stake) Role that applies to you.

  • CERT Leader

    Identify all CERT trained persons within the Area boundaries.   With the help of Stake and Ward Leaders, recruit individuals to take CERT training. Maintain a CERT cache of supplies at the Stake Center and a small cache at each Ward building, including a sufficient supply of forms. Hold annual training meetings with CERT team members.  Train them to report to their respective staging areas when a disaster happens.

  • Emergency Specialist
  • Captain (Stake President)

Your Responsibilities During An Emergency

Find your role below and mentally practice doing it. Neighborhood (Stake) roles shown below.

  • CERT Leader

    Report to the Area Staging area and see that an Incident Commander is in place and taking charge. Using the Communications center and reports from Block Captains, coordinate between Neighborhood staging area Incident Commanders and distribute team personnel and logistic resources as needed.  Make sure any relocation of team members is recorded. 

  • Emergency Specialist
  • Captain (Stake President)